If you want to ensure that your teen is armed with the best defensive driver training and critical aptitude skills the Deluxe Edition is the course for you.

The Deluxe Edition includes all the state required lessons and so much more! The Deluxe Edition offers an additional 125 minutes of one on one driving instruction from Veteran Crash Investigator and Driver Safety Expert, Mike Pehl. Mike’s unique perspective and compelling storytelling is woven throughout the course and is specifically designed to help your teen understand the importance of always using their best practice driving skills.

This course will give your teen the tools they need to become a mature and competent driver. For more details on the specific items within the course see below.
teen driver shaking hands with examiner


  • 125 Educational Video Clips

    Basic Driving Tips Proven Defensive Driving techniques Best practice driver training demonstrations Compelling storytelling that will solidify the importance of taking driver ed seriously Real world crashes that will help students understand the anatomy of a car crash.

  • Master Defensive Driving Skills

    Learn ways to avoid unpredictable risks by developing their defensive driving instincts using proven techniques. Master Proven Defensive Driving Skills Based on Crash Investigation Research. Increase your knowledge and learn about the safety secrets of New Car Technology.

  • Interactive Online Drivers Ed

    Road rage- learn how to protect yourself from other drivers. Understanding big trucks and trains – Learn how to drive with the big dogs. A virtual trip to the salvage yard- understand the Anatomy of a Car Crash. Airbags & Seatbelts- be aware of the designs and Dangers inside your car.


  • 1

    1) Welcome to Driver's Ed

    • Let's Meet Mike

    • Are You Ready?

    • Oklahoma Parent-Taught Drivers Ed Affidavit- Please download

    • Comprehensive Monitoring System for this Curriculum- please download

    • Oklahoma Behind the Wheel Log- Please Download

    • Mike says:

    • The Basics

    • How to Get Your Permit

    • The Graduated Driver's Licensing Rules

    • Driving and Riding with Other Teens

    • The Three Phases of the Graduated Driver's Licensing

    • The Girl that Didn't Know What to Do

    • License Classifications

    • Defining Each License Classification

    • Permit and GDL Rules Quiz

    • Speed & Speed Limits

    • Oklahoma Speed Limits

    • New Guidelines -If Stopped By Police

    • Let Common Sense be Your Guide

    • The Cost of Speeding Tickets and Violations

    • Night Driving

    • Speed and Field of Vision

    • Force of Impact

    • Moving Vehicles and Force of Impact

    • Parking Positions

    • Smart Habits to Use in a Parking Lot

    • Parking is Not Allowed

    • Car Cam Academy - The #1 Crash

    • Peripheral Vision

    • Speed and Parking Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 2

    2) Sharing the Road

    • Three Common Crashes

    • Three Common Crashes Quiz

    • Crash Test Dummies

    • Crash Test Dummies Quiz

    • Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

    • What to Do and Expect when Stopped by Law Enforcement

    • What to Do When You See Emergency Lights Behind You

    • What NOT to Do if you are Pulled Over by a Police Officer

    • Acceptable Identification during a Traffic Stop

    • Driving- Careless, Reckless and Racing

    • Aggressive Driving and Road Rage Quiz

    • Car Cam Academy -Avoid Sudden Lane Changes

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 3

    3) Signs & Signals

    • Knowing Your Signs & Signals

    • Signs and Signals

    • Mike Says:

    • Signs & Signals Cheat Sheet

    • The 7 Common Shapes of Signs

    • Understanding the Yield Sign

    • Regulatory Signs

    • Speed Limit Signs

    • Do not Pass Signs

    • One Way Signs

    • Keep Right

    • Roundabout Sign

    • Common Warning Signs

    • Pennant Sign

    • Slo-Moving Vehicle

    • Motorist Services Signs

    • Historical, Cultural, Recreational Signs

    • Knowing Your Signs Quiz

    • Understanding Traffic Signals

    • Traffic Control Signals

    • Interacting with Flashing Red Lights

    • Examples of Common Traffic Signals You will Encounter

    • Flashing Arrow Signals

    • Lane Changes and Tailgaters

    • Pavement Markings- White Lines

    • Pavement Markings- Yellow Lines

    • Understanding the Turn Lane Markings

    • Mistakes Made By Others

    • Car Cam Academy- Terrible T-Bone

    • Understanding Traffic Signals and Pavement Markings Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 4

    4) Interacting with Traffic

    • Interacting with Traffic

    • Mike Says:

    • Interacting with School Buses

    • Interacting with Emergency Vehicles

    • Text in Tredegar

    • Interacting with Distracted Drivers

    • Interacting with Railroad Tracks

    • Interacting with Trucks

    • Interacting with Bicycles and Motorists

    • Interacting with Pedestrians and Crosswalks

    • Interacting in the Dark

    • Interacting with Drowsy Drivers

    • Understanding the Blind Spot

    • Interacting with Traffic Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 5

    5) Distances & Signs

    • Distances and Signs

    • Mike Says:

    • Understanding IPDE

    • Rules You NEED to Help YOU Pass Your Permit Test

    • Train Yard Story

    • Following Distance

    • Freeway Driving

    • Car Cam Academy- To Hit or Not to Hit an Animal in the Road

    • Distances and Signs Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 6

    Final Exam #1

    • Preparing for the Final Exam

    • Let's Test!

    • Final Exam #1

  • 7

    6) Driving Environments

    • Driving Environments

    • Mike Says:

    • Following Distances

    • Rear End Collision and Rocky Dance

    • Road Conditions

    • Stopping Distances

    • Understanding the Four Corners of Your Car

    • Driveways on Country Roads

    • Avoiding a Semi-Truck's Blind Spots

    • Freeway Driving

    • FreeWay Mishaps

    • Car Cam Academy- Mind the Move Over Law

    • Driving Environments Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 8

    7) Basic Maneuvers

    • Basic Manuevers

    • Mike Says:

    • Mistakes By Other Drivers

    • Basic Turning Rules of the Road

    • Don't Stare at Your Mirrors

    • Uncontrolled Intersections

    • Intersections and the Right-of-Way

    • Stop Sign Smarts

    • Passing

    • Basic Manuevers Quiz

    • Car Cam Academy - Crashing on a Multi-Lane Road

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 9

    8) Adverse & Emergency Situations

    • Adverse and Emergency Situations

    • Mike Says:

    • Rules to Follow When Pulled Over by Police

    • The Kid Who Hit a Police Car

    • Braking and Regaining Control

    • Driving Emergencies

    • Dealing with Tailgaters

    • Carbon Monoxide- The Silent Killer

    • Car Cam Academy - How Fast Your Day Can Change

    • Adverse and Emergency Situation Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 10

    9) Understanding Your Car's Equipment

    • Your Car's Equipment

    • Mike Says:

    • Automatic Headlights

    • Lights and Brakes and More

    • Horns, Tire Tread and Bumpers

    • Standard Transmission

    • Windows Up, Windows Down

    • Window Washer Fluid

    • Seatbelts and Airbags

    • Car Cam Academy - Don't Forget To Fasten Your Seatbelt

    • Know Your Car Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 11

    10) Ownership, Insurance, Maintenance and Planning

    • Ownership, Insurance, Maintenance and Planning

    • Mike Says

    • Automobile Insurance

    • Medication and Driving

    • What To Do After a Crash

    • Oil Changes and Brakes

    • Tire Tread

    • Ownership, Insurance, Maintenance and Planning Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 12

    11) Responsible Choices

    • Responsible Choices

    • Mike Says:

    • The Boys who Played Mailbox Golf

    • Drugs, Drinking and Driving

    • Open Bottle

    • DUIs and the Penalties

    • Underage Drinking

    • Car Cam Academy- A Thousand Splinters and Some Glass

    • Responsible Choices Quiz

    • Enrichment Activity

  • 13

    12) Get Set for Behind the Wheel

    • Skills To Help You Master Your Road Test

    • How Mike Learned to Drive

    • Introduction to Your Behind the Wheel Lessons with Mike Pehl

    • Setting the Ground Rules

    • The Safety Checklist

    • The First Time in Gear

    • The First Road Trip

    • Fine Tune the Basics

    • Head out on the Freeway

    • Master the Country Roads

    • Keep it Moving

    • Parallel Parking and 90 Degree Backup

    • Defensive Driving

    • License Day

    • Book Smart, Street Smart

  • 14

    Final Exam #2

    • Final Exam #2 - Finish this Exam to Complete the Course!

    • Congratulations on Finishing the Course

    • Home School Driver's Education Affidavit Form

    • Certificate of Completion- Download and fill in the Blanks

    • Congratulations on Completing this Course. NOW WHAT?

    • How to Prepare for Taking Your Permit Test at the Service Oklahoma


Driver Safety Expert

Mike Pehl

Mike Pehl is a former crash investigator who became a Driver Safety Expert to teach new drivers how to survive behind the wheel. His proven defensive driving techniques and pragmatic teaching approach have helped tens of thousands of teens become smarter, safer drivers.


It was not boring!

Colleen - Homeschool Parent, Duluth, MN

I purchased and returned two Driver Ed courses before finding DriveSafeRideSafe’s curriculum. This course makes it easy for a parent to teach and keeps the teen interested. Mike’s stories and insights are practical and compelling. My son even liked the course and the enrichment activities because “it was not boring”. As parents we liked that we were teaching him how to become a safe driver.


Diana J (Tulsa, Ok.)

An EXCELLENT Course! I especially approve of the common sense, step-by-step instructions presented in such a calm manner!! I highly recommend for parents who are planning to teach their teens to drive.

The car cam emails that we receive are really awesome!

Angie T - Homeschool Parent, Milaca, MN

These images are imprinted on my sons brain, and he has re-enacted them with Hotwheels to tell family and friends about the video.  I believe one of the best ways to really understand something to the point that it becomes a part of you is to teach it.  His Hotwheel demonstrations bring the level of understanding up for sure.  I know that these short video segments will have a lasting impression on his driving attitude and skills.  Thank-you for sharing these videos as well!! A sincerely, very satisfied and thankful customer! Blessings on your endeavors!!

I've told many a parent you don't invest 16 years into your child to have it wiped out by a wrong decision

Mary Madden (Range Driver Training)

The 3 DVD's are so hand-in-hand for putting safer teen drivers on the road. I am really pleased to add them to our curriculum and offer them to parents. They also are great for developing a parent-instructor-student working relationship. We've always tried to stress how important it is that we all work together to put the safest teen driver possible on the road.  I've told many a parent you don't invest 16 years into your child to have it wiped out by a wrong decision - 1 second decision your teen made BTW.  You need to work with them before,  during and after the licensing process.  Mike reinforces that message and validates what I've been saying for 37 years.

Was very helpful!

Rosa – San Diego, CA

I needed help with my driver test and the book helped me learn what I needed about the roads and signs and laws and then the DVD gave me step by step instructions on how to start in a parking lot and work my way up to driving on the freeways safely.

Easy to understand and very practical.

Vicki D (Driver Ed Instructor)

I like how the steps and ideas to help parents and students are easy to understand and very practical. Doing these steps and practices will make teen drivers and experienced drivers even more Roadworthy.

Our son worked hard and enjoyed “learning from Mike”.

Jean H. – Homeschool Parent- St. Paul, MN.

Our son is homeschooled because he has a hard time with traditional learning. We were worried about him passing his driver test, but then we found Mike Pehl’s DriveSafeRideSafe Course. Our son worked hard and enjoyed “learning from Mike”. He passed his test the first time with 100%. We were so proud and so thankful to have this curriculum. Thanks to the DriveSafeRideSafe folks!

Knowing how to drive is not enough when it comes to teaching someone else!

Julie S (Mother of 3 accident free teens)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    After enrolling, you have 90 days access to this course - across any and all devices you own.

  • What if I am unhappy with the course package content?

    All sales are final. No refunds for this course package will be given. However, we would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact us immediately at [email protected].

Questions about the behind the wheel driving instructions?

All students that finish the Online Driver Ed course are eligible to receive a Blue Card from

Mike Pehl (Alexandria area) and Clint Pehl (Mound area) are both available to teach behind the wheel driving lessons.

If these locations are not easily accessible to you we suggest you check out the Oklahoma DVS list of qualified behind the wheel teachers below.

We cannot personally recommend the instructors on this list but we can suggest that you ask friends and family if they were happy with an instructor they used if they were a Christian based Driver Ed facility.

If you have questions feel free to email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 765-281-2942. We are here to help.